
Francoise Rosset frosset at WHEATONMA.EDU
Sun Dec 16 23:23:11 UTC 2012

Here are some sites and a book ....  a start on Jules's grand 
enterprise, which I totally support:



('cause we've all been mis-attributing stuff to Churchill -- is this 
maybe more relevant on the other side of the pond?

Ralph Keyes. *Nice guys finish seventh: False phrases, spurious 
sayings, and familiar misquotations.* Harper Collins 1992

Merry holidays,

> Someone should compile a dictionary of faux classic quotes. 
> Shakespeare never said "gilding the lily"--it is a blend of a longer 
>doublet, yet it seems like an attempt to improve Will's "paint the 
>lily' by repeating the short 'i' sound--how's that for Chutzpah?.
> Jules Levin
>                             "Don't believe everything you read on 
>the Internet." --Abraham Lincoln
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Francoise Rosset, Associate Professor
Chair, Russian and Russian Studies
Wheaton College
Norton, Massachusetts 02766
Office: (508) 286-3696
FAX:   (508) 286-3640

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