a question about Dostoevsky and prisons

Jules Levin ameliede at EARTHLINK.NET
Sun Dec 16 20:02:27 UTC 2012

On 12/16/2012 11:25 AM, E Wayles Browne wrote:
> For some years I too have been on a similar quest for a quotation. 
> "The trouble with socialism is that it takes up all your free 
> evenings" is attributed to Oscar Wilde, but no one has yet found it in 
> his works. Has any SEELANGS reader encountered it in anyone else's works?

Someone should compile a dictionary of faux classic quotes.  Shakespeare 
never said "gilding the lily"--it is a blend of a longer doublet, yet it 
seems like an attempt to improve Will's "paint the lily' by repeating 
the short 'i' sound--how's that for Chutzpah?.
Jules Levin
                             "Don't believe everything you read on the 
Internet." --Abraham Lincoln

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