a question about Dostoevsky and prisons

E Wayles Browne ewb2 at CORNELL.EDU
Sun Dec 16 19:25:39 UTC 2012

For some years I too have been on a similar quest for a quotation. "The trouble with socialism is that it takes up all your free evenings" is attributed to Oscar Wilde, but no one has yet found it in his works. Has any SEELANGS reader encountered it in anyone else's works?

Wayles Browne, Prof. of Linguistics
Department of Linguistics
Morrill Hall 220, Cornell University
Ithaca, New York 14853, U.S.A.

tel. 607-255-0712 (o), 607-273-3009 (h)
fax 607-255-2044 (write FOR W. BROWNE)
e-mail ewb2 at cornell.edu
From: SEELANGS: Slavic & East European Languages and Literatures list [SEELANGS at LISTSERV.UA.EDU] on behalf of Sasha Spektor [xrenovo at GMAIL.COM]
Sent: Sunday, December 16, 2012 1:21 PM
Subject: Re: [SEELANGS] a question about Dostoevsky and prisons

1.  Alina is right -- it's not in the Diary (I just word searched "тюр").
2.  That's a pretty big summary, if you ask me.  There's a passage in The Dead House about corporal punishment that is kind of close to the one in question, but it's very specific.  The phrase has been attributed among others to Truman and Ghandi, but I haven't been able to find a direct source.

Thank you to those who responded.

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