Conference hosted by American Studies Center in Moscow

Tony Brown tony_brown at BYU.EDU
Thu Dec 20 17:14:36 UTC 2012

The American Studies Center at Russian State University for the Humanities (RSUH) invites proposals for its upcoming conference to be held on 13-14 May 2013.

This inter-disciplinary conference seeks to examine issues related broadly to American literature, Russian-American relations, language, and culture.  As one of its primary objectives, this conference encourages critical examination of one’s own and the other culture in an effort to “see ourselves as others see us" (paraphrasing Robert Burns).  We invite proposals from language, literature, visual and performing arts, philosophy, religion, law, social studies, and anthropology. 

We invite interested faculty and graduate students to submit a 250-word abstract for individual papers. Submissions should be sent by 1 February 2013 to Tony Brown at tony_brown at .

Submissions should include: 
a) author(s)
b) academic affiliation
c) email address
d) title of abstract
e) body of abstract.

E-mails should include in the subject box: RSUH Abstract Submission.

Each presenter will have 20 minutes followed by 10 minutes for discussion. Those wishing to publish a full version of their paper in a subsequent conference proceedings volume may do so.

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