Summer School of Russian at HSE, Internship-Language Programs

Valentina Apresjan valentina.apresjan at GMAIL.COM
Thu Dec 20 17:58:20 UTC 2012

Dear Colleagues,

Please bring the following to the attention of anyone you know who might be

The Summer School of Russian at the Higher School of Economics (HSE) is
inviting applications for Summer 2013.  Application deadline is March 31.
The Summer School offers Intensive Russian and “hybrid” Internship-Language

-          with Russian peer tutoring

-          informal Russian peer activities

-          internships with prestigious research institutions and companies
(Internet and media studies, political science, economics, computer
science, computer linguistics).

-          instructors with Ph.D. from leading American universities and
experience of teaching in the U.S.

Dates are June 10-August 2, 2013.

*Basic Package* is $2600 (includes 80 hours of Russian language
instruction, visa invitation, dormitory, survey tour of Moscow, optional
internship, peer tutoring and peer activities)

*Intensive Russian* is $4500 (includes 160 hours of Russian language
instruction, visa invitation, dormitory, survey tour of Moscow, optional
internship, peer tutoring and peer activities)

*Language/Culture Intensive Plus Package* is* *available upon request
at* *$6000
(includes 160 hours of Russian language instruction, visa invitation,
dormitory, survey tour of Moscow, trips to Novgorod and Saint-Petersburg,
optional internship, peer tutoring and peer activities) for groups over 3
students or by agreement with individual schools.

Further information can be found at:

For fees, visas, dorms, internships, application forms and deadlines, and
other questions please contact Valentina Apresyan at vapresyan at

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