ASEEES 2013 Panel: Slavic Dialects and Minority Languages

Elena Boudovskaia eboudovs at HUMNET.UCLA.EDU
Sat Dec 22 18:17:21 UTC 2012

Dear SEELANGers, 

for the ASEEES 2013 convention, we are putting together a panel; the proposed title is "Slavic Dialects and Minority Languages". We need one panelist, one or two discussants, and a chair.  Papers on the phonology and grammar of Slavic dialects and minority languages, as well as on language policies towards dialects and minority languages are welcome. If you are interested, email me at eeb54 at or eboudovs at

Thank you, and happy holidays!

Elena Boudovskaia
Visiting Assistant Professor
Department of Slavic Languages
Georgetown University

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