Translation question: from "Svetlyi prazdnik" by Teffi

Robert Chandler kcf19 at DIAL.PIPEX.COM
Sat Dec 22 20:21:51 UTC 2012

Dear all,

A young woman, the daughter of the house, has just had a row with the kukharka.  And then:
Она быстро повернулась и ушла той самой походкой, какой всегда ходят хозяйки, поругавшись с прислугой: маленькими шагами, ступая быстро, но двигаясь медленно, виляя боками и выпятив грудь.

She spun round on her heels and swaggered (??strutted) off in the manner of a mistress who has quarrelled with a servant: sticking her chest out and swaying her hips, taking quick little steps yet moving slowly.

I find this all rather odd and hard to imagine.  In any other context I would imagine that виляя боками was meant to be sexy - but in this context that cannot be right, which makes me unhappy with "swaying her hips".

All the best,  Robert

Robert Chandler, 42 Milson Road, London, W14 OLD

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