AW: [SEELANGS] WW2 records?

Publikationsreferat (Matthias Neumann) publikationsreferat at OSTEUROPA.UNI-BREMEN.DE
Sun Dec 23 20:43:48 UTC 2012

TsAMO in Podolsk is supposedly closed to foreigners (if the person you
advised is not a citizen of the Russian Federation), and supposedly
difficult to deal with.


Good luck all the same,


Matthias Neumann


Von: SEELANGS: Slavic & East European Languages and Literatures list
[mailto:SEELANGS at LISTSERV.UA.EDU] Im Auftrag von Elena Gapova
Gesendet: Sonntag, 23. Dezember 2012 21:25
Betreff: Re: [SEELANGS] WW2 records?


There are. This is a list of government offices and state archives dealing
with списки военнослужищих ВОВ:

And yes, they reply (in particular, Центральный архив Министерства обороны,
Подольск, Московская обл had the military records my mother was looking for
several years ago).


There are other (electronic) databases. You can Google списки военнослужащих


Good luck,


Elena Gapova 

2012/12/23 Jules Levin <ameliede at>

I just advised someone on another list that there are no Russian military
record offices that one can write to regarding possible service in WW2.  All
he has is a name, and doesn't know if the person actually served or not.
But now I have doubts.  Was my advice accurate?  I did tell him that there
are FSU web sites that are collecting names of those who served and fell
during the war, etc.
Jules Levin
Los Angeles

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