WW2 records?

Elena Gapova e.gapova at GMAIL.COM
Sun Dec 23 20:24:44 UTC 2012

There are. This is a list of government offices and state archives dealing
with *списки военнослужищих ВОВ*:
And yes, they reply (in particular, *Центральный архив Министерства
обороны, Подольск, Московская обл *had the military records my mother was
looking for several years ago).

There are other (electronic) databases. You can Google *списки
военнослужащих вов/*

Good luck,

Elena Gapova

2012/12/23 Jules Levin <ameliede at earthlink.net>

> **
> I just advised someone on another list that there are no Russian military
> record offices that one can write to regarding possible service in WW2.
> All he has is a name, and doesn't know if the person actually served or not.
> But now I have doubts.  Was my advice accurate?  I did tell him that there
> are FSU web sites that are collecting names of those who served and fell
> during the war, etc.
> Jules Levin
> Los Angeles
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