Possible ASEEES 2013 panel: Images of Christ in Soviet and Post-Soviet literature

johngivens@rochester.edu john.givens at ROCHESTER.EDU
Sat Dec 29 17:16:57 UTC 2012

Dear Colleagues: 

I would like to organize a panel broadly organized around the theme of the image of Christ in Soviet and post-Soviet literature at the 2013 ASEEES conference in Boston. My paper focuses on the themes of sex, love and the image of Christ in Pasternak’s Dr. Zhivago. Please contact me off-list if interested in presenting or serving as discussant. Many thanks! 

johngivens at rochester.edu 
John Givens 


John Givens 
Associate Professor of Russian 
Dept of Modern Languages & Cultures 
Box 270082 
University of Rochester 
Rochester, NY 14627-0082 
(585) 275-4272 

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