Vysotsky / Astrakhan: Thanks for being alive, translated and sang

Krylova, Natalia ntkrylova at TAYLORU.EDU
Sat Jun 2 01:38:41 UTC 2012

Dear fellow-SEELANG-zhane,

Per the request of Vadim Astrahan, a dedicated and experienced translator/performer of Vladimir Vysotsky's poetry, I'd like to share the press-release of his recently published CD that, for some persistent technical glitch, keeps him from posting it on SEELANGS.

Our Center had the honor to host his concert this January and to have him as an expert for our on-line translation workshop "Vysotsky in English" (http://vvysotskyinenglish.blogspot.com). Given the fact that Vadim's proven translation skills are interwoven in this album with Yury Naumov's thrilling musical arrangements, this CD will likely end-up being your summer audio-favorite and a potentially valuable teaching resource in the coming fall semester (for RusLit, Russian Culture, courses on translation, etc.). 
So, here it is...  

ASTRAKHAN / NAUMOV:  “TWO FATES” (Vysotsky in English, Volume II)
Four years ago Vadim Astrakhan released “Singer Sailor Soldier Spirit”:  an album of literary English translations of Vladimir Vysotsky, the greatest Russian singer / songwriter.  It featured modernized arrangements of Vysotsky’s songs, sung by Astrakhan and accompanied by a company of musicians in different genres.  Now the sequel, “Two Fates,” has arrived.
·        Like before, it contains incredible poetry of Vysotsky, translated and sung by Astrakhan.
·        Unlike before, the music is almost entirely new, composed mostly by the album’s producer and chief instrumentalist, Yuri Naumov, an acclaimed Russian blues musician.
·        Like before, the album features international roster of musicians:  Naumov himself (nine-string guitar, bass, keyboards, and drums), John Macaluso (ex-Yngwie Malmsteen, drums), Leonid Verman (Stalwart, guitar), Lex Plotnikoff (Mechanical Poet, keyboards), and others.
·        Unlike before, one of the songs is accompanied by a full symphonic orchestra.
·        Like before, musically the album covers a variety of different genres and sounds:  blues and folk, metal and reggae, tango and comedy; all to illustrate and compliment the incredible diversity of Vysotsky’s poetry.
·        Unlike before, this was done with far greater production values.
·        Like before, it warrants listening in its entirety, as it contains no filler tracks, with something for everyone.
·        Unlike before, it clocks at almost an hour, with song lengths ranging between 3 and 8 minutes. 
·        Like before, the tracks include both Vysotsky’s megahits, such as “If Your Friend” ("Pesnya o druge") and “Gypsy Blues” ("Moya tsyganskaya"), and lesser known gems.
·        Unlike before, it contains two of Vysotsky’s biggest epics, “When the Great Flood Waters Had Subsided” ("Ballada o Lyubvi") and “Two Fates” ("Dve sud'by"), newly translated and recorded.
Not only does this album tell gripping stories.  It also covers the entire spectrum of human emotions and experiences:  courage, friendship, anger, fear, laughter, loss, and love.  This is accomplished via superb translations, music, and musicianship.  If you are a Russian speaker, you can appreciate the translations.  If you are not, simply enjoy the songs and the stories!
Enjoy it!
Natalia V. Krylova
Center Director, "Russkiy Mir" / American Councils for International Education
1828 L Street N.W., Suite 1120 
Washington, DC 20036 
Tel: 202-833-7522 
Fax: 202-833-7523

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