CfP - Czech Studies Workshop at Columbia University April 26-27, 2013

Christopher Harwood krystofslavista at GMAIL.COM
Wed Jun 13 14:15:44 UTC 2012

at Columbia University in the City of New York

The Fourteenth Annual Czech Studies Workshop, which will be held at
Columbia University
in the City of New York on April 26-27, 2013, welcomes proposals for papers
on Czech
topics, broadly defined, in all disciplines. Slovak topics will also be

In the past, our interdisciplinary conference has drawn participants from
colleges and
universities in the United States and abroad. Areas of interest have
anthropology, architecture, art, economics, education, film, geography,
history, Jewish
studies, literature, music, philosophy, politics, religion, and theater.
Work in progress
is appropriate for our workshop format. Junior faculty and advanced
graduate students are
especially encouraged to participate.

Limited funding is available to reimburse participants? travel and
accommodation costs.

To submit a proposal for the workshop, please send an abstract of
approximately 450 words
and your CV to:
czechstudies2013 at<>
Please be sure to include your name, full address, institutional
affiliation, daytime
telephone and e-mail address. Alternatively, you may send a hard copy of
your abstract
and personal data to:

Chris Harwood
Slavic Dept - Columbia University
708 Hamilton Hall - MC 2839
1130 Amsterdam Ave
New York, NY  10027

The firm deadline for receipt of proposals is Friday, January 11, 2013. For
information, please contact Chris Harwood at
cwh4 at<>

The 2013 Czech Studies Workshop is made possible by funding from the
Harriman Institute
at Columbia University.

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