translation question--thank you and summation

Harris, Adrienne M. Adrienne_Harris at BAYLOR.EDU
Fri Jun 22 17:34:12 UTC 2012

Thank you for your helpful responses, both public and private.  Yes, the <В> is most certainly a <Б>.

Suggestions were:

"Lightening was beating down" and possibly "dark clouds were gathering" and "Lightenings were smiting. Storm clouds were swarming."
One colleague pointed out the Pushkin reference-I never would have caught it!

If you are curious, the full stanza is:
Были молнии.  Тучи вились.
Было всякое на веку.
Жизнь летит, как горящий <виллис>
По гремящему большаку.

All the best, Adrienne


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