SEELANGS Digest - 23 Jun 2012 to 24 Jun 2012 - Special issue (#2012-220)

Dickey, Stephen McCartney smd at KU.EDU
Sun Jun 24 13:14:05 UTC 2012

Matošnik should be a compass, see:

Stephen M. Dickey
Associate Professor
Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures
University of Kansas
1445 Jayhawk Boulevard, Room 2128
Lawrence, KS 66045-7594, USA

From: SEELANGS: Slavic & East European Languages and Literatures list [SEELANGS at] on behalf of SEELANGS automatic digest system [LISTSERV at]
Sent: Sunday, June 24, 2012 7:18 AM
Subject: SEELANGS Digest - 23 Jun 2012 to 24 Jun 2012 - Special issue (#2012-220)

There are 3 messages totaling 1058 lines in this issue.

Topics in this special issue:

  1. Maritime expressions (3)

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Date:    Sun, 24 Jun 2012 19:39:52 +0800
From:    David Wells <dnwells at OZEMAIL.COM.AU>
Subject: Maritime expressions


I am translating a seafarer’s account from circa 1700.  I wonder if anyone can assist with a couple of expressions?

Матошник – I thought from example 1 this must be some sort of seaweed, but with example 2, I am not so sure.

1)      И как-де ветры престали, тогда они по матошнику усмотрели, что их далеко в море занесло, стали домышлитца -- как бы им назад возвратитца?

2)      А как дерево на море нашли [the ship was caught in a storm and the mast lost, but later replaced using a tree found floating in the ocean] и парус сшили, тогда по самой нужде по матошнику прибились к Курильской земле.

Великие слезы – I take this to be the result of some sort of vitamin deficiency similar to scurvy (perhaps vitamin A deficiency).

Да и онеж, курильские люди, двух человек из них, которые будучи на судне на море от великих слез ослепли -- убили до смерти.

Many thanks

David Wells


David Wells


Australia and New Zealand Slavists' Association

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Date:    Sun, 24 Jun 2012 12:03:54 +0000
From:    Jane Knox-Voina <jknox at BOWDOIN.EDU>
Subject: Re: Maritime expressions

I'll get back to you later with translations. Are you the David Wells who graduated from Bowdoin and took a class with me?


Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 24, 2012, at 7:51 AM, "David Wells" <dnwells at OZEMAIL.COM.AU<mailto:dnwells at OZEMAIL.COM.AU>> wrote:


I am translating a seafarer’s account from circa 1700.  I wonder if anyone can assist with a couple of expressions?

Матошник – I thought from example 1 this must be some sort of seaweed, but with example 2, I am not so sure.

1)      И как-де ветры престали, тогда они по матошнику усмотрели, что их далеко в море занесло, стали домышлитца -- как бы им назад возвратитца?

2)      А как дерево на море нашли [the ship was caught in a storm and the mast lost, but later replaced using a tree found floating in the ocean] и парус сшили, тогда по самой нужде по матошнику прибились к Курильской земле.

Великие слезы – I take this to be the result of some sort of vitamin deficiency similar to scurvy (perhaps vitamin A deficiency).

Да и онеж, курильские люди, двух человек из них, которые будучи на судне на море от великих слез ослепли -- убили до смерти.

Many thanks

David Wells

David Wells
Australia and New Zealand Slavists' Association

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Date:    Sun, 24 Jun 2012 08:17:45 -0400
From:    Hugh Olmsted <hugh_olmsted at COMCAST.NET>
Subject: Re: Maritime expressions

Dear David--
The first of your terms, матошник, is evidently a slight variant of 'маточник' (cf the old Moscow pronunciation of graphic / etymological -чн- as --шн-, as in 'яичница' and, конечно, in 'конечно'), in the meaning of 'compass' --see the Dictionary of XI-XVII century Russian, vol. 9 (M), p. 46.
Hugh Olmsted

On Jun 24, 2012, at 7:39 AM, David Wells wrote:

> Hello
> I am translating a seafarer’s account from circa 1700.  I wonder if anyone can assist with a couple of expressions?
> Матошник – I thought from example 1 this must be some sort of seaweed, but with example 2, I am not so sure.
> 1)      И как-де ветры престали, тогда они по матошнику усмотрели, что их далеко в море занесло, стали домышлитца -- как бы им назад возвратитца?
> 2)      А как дерево на море нашли [the ship was caught in a storm and the mast lost, but later replaced using a tree found floating in the ocean] и парус сшили, тогда по самой нужде по матошнику прибились к Курильской земле.
> Великие слезы – I take this to be the result of some sort of vitamin deficiency similar to scurvy (perhaps vitamin A deficiency).
> Да и онеж, курильские люди, двух человек из них, которые будучи на судне на море от великих слез ослепли -- убили до смерти.
> Many thanks
> David Wells
> *******************
> David Wells
> Secretary-Treasurer
> Australia and New Zealand Slavists' Association
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End of SEELANGS Digest - 23 Jun 2012 to 24 Jun 2012 - Special issue (#2012-220)

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