encyclopedia of modernism

Megan Swift maswift at UVIC.CA
Tue Jun 26 18:56:29 UTC 2012

Dear Colleagues,

I am seeking a few more authors for entries for the forthcoming Routledge Encyclopedia of Modernism, to be published on-line in 2014. All entries are refereed and the deadline is August 1 2012. Please reply to me off-list at maswift at uvic.ca if you are interested. The terms are:

Mikhail Bulgakov - 500 words
Vladimir Mayakovsky - 500 words
Futurism - 1000 words (this will become part of a much larger entry dealing with Italian Futurism and also Futurism in art, film, architecture and theatre; your name will appear as an author at the end of the entry) 
Boris Pilnyak - 500 words
Nikolay Zabolotsky - 200 words



Megan Swift, Associate Professor of Russian Studies

Co-Editor, Literature
Routledge Encyclopedia of Modernism

President, Canadian Association of Slavists

Department of Germanic and Slavic Studies
University of Victoria
PO Box 3045 STN CSC, Victoria, BC
V8W 3P4 Canada

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