Call for Papers: UC Undergraduate Journal of Slavic and East/Central European Studies

Furman, Yelena yfurman at HUMNET.UCLA.EDU
Wed Jun 27 04:05:05 UTC 2012

Dear SEELANGS members,
For those of us teaching undergraduates, please bring this to their attention.  It is a unique opportunity to have their research published.  And please feel free to email me with any questions.
Thank you in advance.
Yelena Furman

Once again, it is time for the Call for Papers for the sixth volume of the UC Undergraduate Journal of Slavic and East/Central European Studies.

Papers should have a well-formulated and well-developed thesis, with plenty of textual evidence to back it up. When citing, please give quotes both in the original Cyrillic (or appropriate Slavic language) and in English translation. The papers should be 10-15 double-spaced pages and need to include footnotes and a bibliography. For the bibliography, please use the Chicago Manual of Style format.

All papers will be subject to peer review. The deadline to submit is October 1, 2012.  Please send them as email attachments in Word to Naomi Caffee (naomi.caffee at and Prof. Roman Koropeckyj (koropeck at

While the papers will be due in a few months, right now we need a preliminary headcount.  If you are planning to submit your paper, please email me with your name, the title of your paper, and the name and email of your advisor: yfurman at

And in case you haven’t seen it yet, please take a look at volume five of the Journal, which is now up:

Best, Prof. Furman

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