2013 SWSEEL Summer Language Program

Davis, Marianne marwdavi at INDIANA.EDU
Sun Mar 17 23:20:20 UTC 2013

SWSEEL is still accepting applications for intensive language study in summer 2013!

The priority deadline has passed, but we encourage applications for admissions and FLAS and Title VIII funding. Late submissions of FLAS and Title VIII applications will be considered after the first round of applications has been reviewed and pending availability of funds.

Indiana University’s 63rd annual Summer Language Workshop (SWSEEL) will offer multiple levels of intensive instruction in Arabic, Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian, Dari, Georgian, Hungarian, Kazakh, Mongolian, Persian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Tatar, Turkish, Uzbek, Uyghur, and Yiddish.

All students pay in-state tuition and earn 6-10 credits. The Workshop also features a rich array of extracurricular cultural programming.

Competitive FLAS and Title VIII fellowships available for qualified applicants.

Dates: June 3 to July 26, 2013

All levels of Arabic and Russian 1: May 28-June 26, 2013

4 and 5-week options are available for Russian (ending on June 28).

See http://www.indiana.edu/~swseel/ for more information and to apply.

Questions? Please contact swseel at indiana.edu or 812-855-2889.
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