David Samoilov - 'Ballada o nemetskom tsenzore'

Robert Chandler kcf19 at DIAL.PIPEX.COM
Mon Mar 18 08:02:47 UTC 2013

Dear all,

I have been puzzling for some time about this poem.

The English edition of the huge C20 Russian poetry anthology compiled by Yevtushenko includes "The Ballad about the German Censor" - a brilliant, witty poem that I like more than anything else I have read by Samoilov.

But this poem is not in the Russian edition of the anthology.  Nor is it in any Russian edition of Samoilov's work that I have seen.  Can anyone explain this to me?  Or tell me who I could ask?

I wrote some time ago to Yevtushenko himself but have not received an answer.

All the best,

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