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Jules Levin ameliede at EARTHLINK.NET
Thu Mar 21 05:27:30 UTC 2013

On 3/20/2013 9:13 PM, Robert Orr wrote:
> Some comments:
> Ø Жиды has never changed its meaning,
>   Yes, it has.  Connotations, anyway.   Have a look at A K Tolstoy
> По гребле неровной и тряской,
> По гребле, со взглядом угрюмым,
> Проходит оборванный жид,
> Ø … protestants (жиды)!!!!!….  I know it was whispered that Calvin’s 
> name was actually Cohen, but really …..
Curious...  Somewhere in his corpus Nathaniel Hawthorne describes a 
pious old Puritan as "a good Jew".

> ожидать have been noted.    Maybe жадны, etc., will go the way of 
> “niggardly” in English
amusing juxtaposition since their meanings are opposite (?)

Jules Levin

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