biographical sources of Pushkin's love life

Wieda, Nina A. nwieda at MIDDLEBURY.EDU
Thu Mar 21 16:34:39 UTC 2013

Dear Pushkin scholars,

A student of mine is exploring auto-biographical elements in Pushkin's "The Stone Guest," and is looking for biographical sources that provide historically accurate insight into Pushkin's romantic life.  In particular, he is interested to learn about Pushkin's affairs with married women, and duels with cuckolded husbands.  The student does not read in Russian well enough to handle Guber's "Донжуанский список Пушкина."  Can you recommend any English-language sources that highlight this area of Pushkin's life?

Thank you very much in advance!

Best wishes,

Nina Wieda
Assistant Professor of Russian
Middlebury College
Freeman International Center
Middlebury, VT 05753
Phone: 802-443-5588
Fax: 802-443-5394
E-mail: nwieda at
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