reminder to respond by April 1 FW: [SEELANGS] Rusyn Romanization table task force invitation RE: [slavlib] service opportunities!

Lana Soglasnova svetlana.soglasnova at UTORONTO.CA
Thu Mar 21 17:33:18 UTC 2013

Dear colleagues:

In view of an outstanding expression of interest for participation in the Task Force on creating an ALA-LC Rusyn Romanization table we’ve received, this is a kind reminder to please respond by April 1, 2013 if you’re considering joining. The original call for participation below. Apologies for any duplication. If you need more information please do not hesitate to let me know.

Lana Soglasnova
Slavic Cataloguing Supervisor
Liaison: Linguistics
Interim Liaison: South Asian Studies
Robarts Library, University of Toronto
130 St. George St., Toronto, Ontario
Canada M5S 1A5
Phone: 416 978-0487
Email: svetlana.soglasnova at<mailto:svetlana.soglasnova at>

Subject: [SEELANGS] Rusyn Romanization table task force invitation RE: [slavlib] service opportunities!
Dear colleagues:
ACRL SEES ABC (Association of College and Research Libraries Slavic and Eastern European Section Automatic Bibliographic Control Committee) is forming a task group with a charge to create an ALA-LC Rusyn romanization table – Please see below for the announcement with more detail. If you are interested in serving on the group please reply directly to myself, Lana Soglasnova svetlana.soglasnova at<mailto:svetlana.soglasnova at>, cc Masha Stepanova, SEES ABC chair stepanm at<mailto:stepanm at> and Natasha Lyandres, the incoming chair of SEES Natalia.Lyandres.2 at<mailto:Natalia.Lyandres.2 at>. We would be delighted to hear from you by Monday April 1 if possible. If you need more information please do not hesitate to let me know.


To: slavlib at<mailto:slavlib at>
Subject: [slavlib] service opportunities!

SEES ABC (Automated Bibliographic Control) committee has two open opportunities to serve the Slavic cataloging community!
1. Task force to create an ALA-LC Rusyn Romanization Table. The following is a charge and some details from the group's coordinator, Lana Soglasnova. A few people already volunteered to serve on this task force, including Prof. Magosci at the University of Toronto, who is one of the world’s leading scholars on Rusyn culture, language, literacy, politics, and history  If you would like to serve on this group, please, reply to Lana directly and copy me (stepanm at<mailto:stepanm at>) and Natasha Lyandres, the incoming chair of SEES.
Group charge:
- Create an ALA-LC Rusyn Romanization table, as currently there isn’t one
The current ALA-LC Ukrainian Romanization table is inadequate for transliterating Rusyn publications in the Cyrillic alphabet which contain additional characters (such as all of: i, и, ы, ї). A set of transliteration tables developed by Bohdan Horbal, originally for a library school project, has been in informal use by a small community of scholars. As more publications appear in Rusyn every year, both in North America and in Eastern Europe, the need for consistent Romanization practices is felt increasingly by scholars, librarians, students, and Rusyn communities. Some recent examples include the discussion on Slavic librarians’ mailing list (SlavLibs, February 2013); and the question period for the panel “The history and current state of the Rusyn language: variation, fusion, or both?”, Annual Convention of the Association for Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies 2012 (November 2012, Washington, DC).

LC has responded positively to my informal inquiry, so the next step would be for ABC to begin the formal process. Also, we already have some great commitments as Mr. Bohdan Horbal, who created the set of Rusyn transliteration tables unofficially used by many catalogers, has graciously agreed to join such a group, and so has Larisa Walsh.  I would be happy to serve on the group and continue coordinating this effort. The absence of official LC transliteration for Rusyn is a persistent problem. As a result, these materials simply tend to stay uncataloged, or get cataloged inconsistently.

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