Call for Papers

Rouhier-Willoughby, Jeanmarie j.rouhier at UKY.EDU
Fri Jul 11 14:01:58 UTC 2014

Colleagues: This is to announce the first call for papers for the annual KLFC: The Languages, Literatures and Cultures Conference (April 23-25, 2015), now in its 68th year at the University of Kentucky in Lexington. Papers on any aspect of Slavic/Eastern European culture, literature, language, linguistics (theoretical or applied), folklore, or language pedagogy are most welcome. The KFLC hosts about 800 attendees each year who enjoy a congenial and intellectually engaging atmosphere at a lovely time of year in the Bluegrass.

Abstracts are due November 10, 2014.

More information on the conference or on submission is available at

Best, Jeanmarie Rouhier

Jeanmarie Rouhier-Willoughby
Professor of Russian, Folklore and Linguistics
Chair, Department of Modern and Classical Languages, Literatures and Cultures
Division of Russian and Eastern Studies
1055 Patterson Office Tower
University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY  40506
(859) 257-1756
Fax: (859) 257-3743
j.rouhier at<mailto:j.rouhier at>
Skype contact name: Jeanmarie Rouhier, j.rouhier

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