Aleksandr Shevchenko painting

Ksenia Adamovitch adamovitchk at GMAIL.COM
Wed Jul 16 20:11:17 UTC 2014

You can try the Artist Union (never dealt with them personally, but the
Cinema and Journalist unions are good about keeping archives, so it's worth
a try) :
Also, he taught at this college, they may have some information:

My first and second bet would be on the Union though, colleges aren't that
great at record-keeping as far as anything before 1991.

On Wed, Jul 16, 2014 at 12:50 PM, Steven Lee <stevenlee at> wrote:

> Dear SEELANGers,
> I'm trying to get permission to reprint a painting by the neoprimitivist
> Aleksandr Shevchenko--his "Laundresses" (Prachki) from 1913 (
> ).
> According to a 1994 volume on the artist compiled by V. N. Shalabaeva, the
> painting belongs to Shevchenko's family in Moscow. Would anyone happen to
> know how to get in touch with either the family or Shalabaeva?
> I've contacted the Russian Museum and Tretyakov Gallery for leads, but no
> luck so far.
> Thanks,
> Steven.
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