Translation of a few lines from Akhmatova

George Butchard georgebutchard at GMAIL.COM
Thu Jul 24 19:31:04 UTC 2014

Dear Seelangers,

Does anyone have to hand a good translation of the following lines
from Akhmatova's poem "Мне ни к чему одические рати" - "I have no use
for regimental odes" from "Secrets of the Craft" (1940).

They've cropped up in a text I'm working on at the moment, but I don't
have a copy of Akhmatova in English.

Когда б вы знали, из какого сора
Растут стихи, не ведая стыда,
Как желтый одуванчик у забора,
Как лопухи и лебеда.

Many thanks,


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