Malevich and the word "sputnik"

Jan Zielinski zielinski at GMX.CH
Fri Jul 25 09:59:04 UTC 2014

On 2014-07-25 07:27, Robert Chandler wrote:
> The word спутник had been used for natural satellites, but it had not 
> previously been used for any kind of manmade spacecraft.  I am 
> wondering if it is possible that anyone involved in the Soviet space 
> programme, perhaps someone at a centre of intellectual activity like 
> Akademgorodok, might have known (even at second-hand) of Malevich's 
> article.  Does SEELANGS include among its members anyone with a good 
> knowledge of the development of the Soviet space programme?!
An interesting question. I'm not a space programme specialist, but did a 
quick check to find out... not an answer to Robert's question but - that 
in nowadays Russian the name of Malevich is being used for the black 
screen of a TV-set:

а тут прямо стабильно - сначала полчаса Малевича показывают
после переключения канала какое-то время малевич
бывает показывают,а бывает малевич.
Спутник бракованный оказался))) Вещает на западную Сибирь, а все что за 
Байкалом "малевич"

Jan Zielinski

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