help with Russian literary figure?

Yekaterina T Cotey ycotey at UTEXAS.EDU
Wed Mar 5 01:24:43 UTC 2014

Dear Temmo,

I believe this is Fyodor Aleksandrovich Alekseev, a minor Russian poet and
translator. In Russian, the verses you quote go like this:
Есть тихая роща в родной стороне --   Там сонные лавры цветут в тишине,
На ветках зеленых поют соловьи,   Играя, сверкают жемчужны струи;   Там
розы душистей, там луг зеленей,   Там красное солнце горит веселей!..

In fact, this poem is a translation of Thomas Moore's lines (sounds about
 There's a bower of roses by Bendemeer's stream,   And the nightingale
sings round it all the day long;   In the time of my childhood 't was like
a sweet dream   To sit in the roses and hear the bird's song.

(The source: M.P. Alekseev,"Thomas Moore and Russian Writers of the 19th

Little is known about Alekseev's life, but the main biographical
information is listed here:

Best wishes,

Katya Cotey,

PhD student at UT Austin

On Tue, Mar 4, 2014 at 4:16 PM, Temmo Korisheli
<korishel at>wrote:

>  Dear collective wisdom,
> My name is Temmo Korisheli -- I am the music cataloguer at UC Santa
> Barbara. I wonder if someone might be able to help me identify a Russian
> poet of the 19th century? I only have his last name, and that in a German
> transliteration: Aleksejeff.
> I've came across him in a musical album, published in Germany around 1856,
> of vocal duets composed by Anton Rubinstein. These duets are settings of
> various Russian poems translated into German. For context, the other
> poets set in this collection are all late 18th/earlier 19th century:
> Lermontov (1814-1841)
> Delvig (1798-1831)
> Grekov, N.P. (s.d.)
> Zhukovskii (1783-1852)
> Pushkin (1799-1837)
> Dmitriev (1760-1837)
> Davydov (1784-1839)
> Koltsov (1809-1842)
> Aleksejeff's poem in its German translation begins:
> Im heimischen Land steht ein friedlicher Hain,
> mit träumenden Lorbeer und schwellenden Rain;
> aus dunklem Gezweig schallt der Nachtigall Lied,
> und schimmernd und plätschernd die Waldquelle zieht;
> hell funkelt die Sonne auf saftigem Grün,
> und üppige Rosen frisch duftende blüh'n.
> I've tried internet and Wikipedia searches on Aleksejeff, Aleksejev,
> Alekseev, Alekseyev, Alexeev, Alexeyev; I also consulted English-language
> biographies of Lermontov and a couple printed reference works on Russian
> literary biography -- all to no avail. I did not attempt any reference
> materials or secondary literature in Russian, I confess. I'd be very
> grateful for any help anyone might be able to provide!
> Thanks for your kind attention,
> ~Temmo
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Mr. Temmo Korisheli
>   Supervisor/Music Service Desk ; Music Cataloguer
> (805) 893-2641 ; fax: (805) 893-5879
> Arts Library
> University of California
> Santa Barbara, CA 93106-9010
> "Music self-played is happiness self-made"
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