Russian cultural assessment

Sasha Spektor xrenovo at GMAIL.COM
Fri Mar 7 15:28:03 UTC 2014

Dear Assesslangtsy,

We are working on putting together assessment guidelines in our department
at UGA, and I wanted to ask the collective wisdom for help.  Does anyone
know of an existence of a cultural test, a primer of sorts, that would work
as a guide for instructors as they assess the progress of their
undergraduate students in Russian.  Our German colleagues are using a
modified version of German citizenship entrance exam, but I don't quite
know if an adequate counterpart exists for Russia.

I would also be grateful if you could share some of your approaches to the
creation of assessments.  I think we have our language part covered for the
most part, but the cultural component of the major remains to be

Thank you much,
Sasha Spektor.

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