i Groenland and paa Groenland, v Ukraine i na Ukraine

Gasan Gusejnov gusejnov at GMAIL.COM
Fri Mar 7 15:56:35 UTC 2014

Dear Anne Marie,

thank you for the insightful comment.
The discussion about v and na is much older and going back to 1919-1920s.
May I introduce a short chapter from my book on Russian language and Soviet
Ideology (2003), it is a pdf file<http://speakrus.ru/gg/gus_tom-1-14-10td.pdf>,
see pp. 68-70.
In 1990s, Helen Krag (University of Copenhagen) suggested to compare the
use of v/na with that of paa/i concerning Greenland as seen from Denmark
and from Groenland.


2014-03-07 16:24 GMT+01:00 anne marie devlin <anne_mariedevlin at hotmail.com>:

> As well as following the events from a political perspective - and I won't
> air any of the somewhat confused opinions I have - as a linguist, I am also
> very much aware of the dispute on that specific front.  There was of course
> the obvious attempt to repeal the 2012 law granting equal linguistic rights
> to minorities where they make up more than 10% of the population.  However
> on a micro scale there is also the battle of the prepositions within the
> Russian language.
> I am obsessively scouring each news article and listening carefully to TV
> and radio broadcasts to see on which side of the в/на faultline people
> stand.  The two open letters posted are very much indicative of probably
> what we all suspect.  The letter from the Union of Writers posted by
> Sarah uses на with Ukraine and the second letter from Gasan from the
> academics uses в.  Pravda categorically opts for на.  Interestingly, while
> watching the interview on TV dozhd with Andrei Zubov, the academic who
> almost lost his job speaking out in favour of Ukraine, I noticed that
> Makeeva chose в whereas Zubov used  на which I found surprising due to his
> political leanings. Dr Komarovskii mentions this in his address to the
> parents of Russia.
> http://video.komarovskiy.net/obrashhenie-k-roditelyam-rossii.html
> (somewhere between 6 minutes 35 secs and 6.42).  Even Obama has been drawn
> into the debate.  He was admonished by a former ambassador to Ukraine for
> referring to 'the Ukraine'.
> In light of the chaos and suffering experienced in recent weeks, I realise
> that this may seem rather trivial.  But I do feel, that it is, nevertheless
> another battlefield.
> Anne Marie
> ------------------------------
> Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2014 15:47:20 +0200
> From: djagalov at SAS.UPENN.EDU
> Subject: Re: [SEELANGS] Union of Writers
> Thank you for your corrective, Gasan Chinghizovich.
> To second it, the Union of Writers of Russia (http://sp.voskres.ru),
> which has issued this statement,
> is one of several such writers' unions and occupies the "patriotic" part
> of the spectrum.
> It should not be confused with contemporary Russian literature.
> With the best of wishes,
> Rossen
> On 07.03.2014 14:56, Gasan Gusejnov wrote:
> Thanks for your opinion, Françoise Rosset,
>  however I am not sure you have ever read or heard at least two or three
> names of these writers who use words.
>  For the sake of balance, here is another relevant paper, the protest
> against Putin's military and propaganda pressure on Ukraine, signed by many
> scholars:
> http://polit.ru/news/2014/03/04/letter/
>  Best
> gg
>  2014-03-07 10:51 GMT+01:00 Francoise Rosset <frosset at wheatonma.edu>:
>  Thank you Sarah, that IS important information.
>  And it is relevant to this list because those are writers who wrote this
> letter, people whose medium is language and the word.
>  -FR
> On Fri, Mar 7, 2014 at 3:27 PM, Sarah Hurst <sarahnhurst at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear SEELANGers,
>  I am not posting this to try and be political, but for information. I
> think it is relevant to know that the Russian Union of Writers has written
> to President Putin in support of his actions in Crimea. Here is the link:
>  http://www.ridus.ru/news/155950
>  Sarah Hurst
> --
>  Françoise Rosset
> Chair, Russian and Russian Studies
> Wheaton College, Norton MA 02766
> *Spring 2014*: Resident Director of Wheaton-in-Bhutan program, Thimphu,
> Bhutan
> phone # in Bhutan: +975 1750 0593
> frosset at wheatonma.edu
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