i Groenland and paa Groenland, v Ukraine i na Ukraine

anne marie devlin anne_mariedevlin at HOTMAIL.COM
Fri Mar 7 16:41:56 UTC 2014

Thank you so much for that.  I had no idea the debate had been raging for so long and I will use your chapter in my class on language and national/ethnic identity!
I'm from the north of Ireland were subtle and not so subtle linguistic differences are used, as Seamus Heaney says in his wonderful poem about sociolinguistics 'Fear of Affectation', 'to keep us allied and at bay'.
By the way, I first noticed that v Ukraine had become official from the label of a sovetsoye shampaskoye bottle in the early 1990s.  Before that it had been Ha.
Anne Marie
Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2014 16:56:35 +0100
From: gusejnov at GMAIL.COM
Subject: [SEELANGS] i Groenland and paa Groenland, v Ukraine i na Ukraine

Dear Anne Marie,
thank you for the insightful comment.The discussion about v and na is much older and going back to 1919-1920s. May I introduce a short chapter from my book on Russian language and Soviet Ideology (2003), it is a pdf file, see pp. 68-70.
In 1990s, Helen Krag (University of Copenhagen) suggested to compare the use of v/na with that of paa/i concerning Greenland as seen from Denmark and from Groenland.   


2014-03-07 16:24 GMT+01:00 anne marie devlin <anne_mariedevlin at hotmail.com>:

As well as following the events from a political perspective - and I won't air any of the somewhat confused opinions I have - as a linguist, I am also very much aware of the dispute on that specific front.  There was of course the obvious attempt to repeal the 2012 law granting equal linguistic rights to minorities where they make up more than 10% of the population.  However on a micro scale there is also the battle of the prepositions within the Russian language.  

I am obsessively scouring each news article and listening carefully to TV and radio broadcasts to see on which side of the в/на faultline people stand.  The two open letters posted are very much indicative of probably what we all suspect.  The letter from the Union of Writers posted by Sarah uses на with Ukraine and the second letter from Gasan from the academics uses в.  Pravda categorically opts for на.  Interestingly, while watching the interview on TV dozhd with Andrei Zubov, the academic who almost lost his job speaking out in favour of Ukraine, I noticed that Makeeva chose в whereas Zubov used  на which I found surprising due to his political leanings. Dr Komarovskii mentions this in his address to the parents of Russia.

(somewhere between 6 minutes 35 secs and 6.42).  Even Obama has been drawn into the debate.  He was admonished by a former ambassador to Ukraine for referring to 'the Ukraine'.

In light of the chaos and suffering experienced in recent weeks, I realise that this may seem rather trivial.  But I do feel, that it is, nevertheless another battlefield.
Anne Marie
Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2014 15:47:20 +0200

From: djagalov at SAS.UPENN.EDU
Subject: Re: [SEELANGS] Union of Writers

    Thank you for your corrective, Gasan


      To second it, the Union of Writers of Russia (http://sp.voskres.ru),
      which has issued this statement,

      is one of several such writers' unions and occupies the
      "patriotic" part of the spectrum.

      It should not be confused with contemporary Russian literature.


      With the best of wishes,






      On 07.03.2014 14:56, Gasan Gusejnov wrote:

      Thanks for your opinion, Françoise

            I am not sure you have ever read or heard at least two or
            three names of these writers who use words.

            the sake of balance, here is another relevant paper, the
            protest against Putin's military and propaganda pressure on
            Ukraine, signed by many scholars:



          2014-03-07 10:51 GMT+01:00 Francoise Rosset <frosset at wheatonma.edu>:

                Thank you Sarah, that IS important information.

                And it is relevant to this list because those are
                writers who wrote this letter, people whose medium is
                language and the word.




                        On Fri, Mar 7, 2014 at
                          3:27 PM, Sarah Hurst <sarahnhurst at gmail.com>

                            Dear SEELANGers, 

                              I am not posting this to try and be
                                political, but for information. I think
                                it is relevant to know that the Russian
                                Union of Writers has written to
                                President Putin in support of his
                                actions in Crimea. Here is the link:



                                  Sarah Hurst



                      Françoise Rosset

                        Chair, Russian and Russian Studies

                        Wheaton College, Norton MA 02766

                        Spring 2014: Resident Director of
                        Wheaton-in-Bhutan program, Thimphu, Bhutan

                        phone # in Bhutan: +975 1750

                        frosset at wheatonma.edu


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