Reminder about Heritage speakers and visas to Russia

Renee (Stillings) Huhs renee at ALINGA.COM
Thu Mar 13 23:13:00 UTC 2014



Every year we have applicants for study abroad who have no idea at all they
are still citizens of Russia. They learn this from us or others arranging
their studies abroad - or potentially directly from the consulate after
having an application rejected.


Please, please - if you have Heritage speakers or students who were adopted
from Russia in your classes - remind them of this at the earliest moment you
can so that if they are even just thinking about study abroad or otherwise
visiting Russia they have time to do something about it. The consulates have
been relatively accommodating about issuing one-time visas to those who
can't possibly get their Russian passport in time, but this takes phone
calls, pleading, etc. And we cannot expect that they will continue to be so






Renee Stillings

Director, SRAS

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