SEELANGS Digest - 24 Mar 2014 to 25 Mar 2014 - Special issue (#2014-171)

Slavic Department slavic at FAS.HARVARD.EDU
Thu Mar 27 13:53:52 UTC 2014

Dear Katya,

Zureba sounds a bit like Polish źrebak (źrebię) but that means "foal" not


On 3/25/14 6:25 PM, "SEELANGS automatic digest system"

>Date:    Tue, 25 Mar 2014 12:01:22 -0700
>From:    Katya Burvikova <seacoastrussian at YAHOO.COM>
>Subject: help with identifying a language/dialect
>Dear Seelangers,
>Need some help with an undefined dialect. There is a woman with Alzheimer
>who started to speak her home language. Her husband took notes of what he
>hears and he'd like to know what language is it:
>Aiyaki= Very
>Aiyaki Dobra = Very Good
>Zureba = Dog
>Geniru = Thank you
>Dimmi Bu Jou = Give me a kiss
>Dobra Nitz = Good Morning  (more likely good night)
>Yatkim = Hello
>What language/dialect can it be?
>thanks a lot,
>Katya Burvikova

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