Book launch: Digital Russia

Ingunn Lunde ingunn.lunde at IF.UIB.NO
Thu Mar 27 09:20:47 UTC 2014

Dear colleagues,

The official launch of Digital Russia: The Language, Culture and Politics of New Media Communication will take place at the Bergen Ressource Centre/University of Bergen on Tuesday 1 April at 10:15.
Should you be in the area, you are welcome to attend the book launch and discussion with authors and editors:

The Internet as an Arena for Political Struggle and Change in Russia

Michael S. Gorham (University of Florida)
Vera Zvereva (University of Edinburgh)
Martin Paulsen (University of Bergen)
Ingunn Lunde (University of Bergen)

Digital Russia: The Language, Culture and Politics of New Media Communication (Routledge, 2014) provides a comprehensive analysis of the ways in which new media technologies have shaped language and communication in contemporary Russia. It traces the development of the Russian-language internet (Runet) from late-Soviet cybernetics to the advent of Twitter and explores the evolution of web-based communication practices, showing how they have both shaped and been shaped by social, political, linguistic and literary realities. Throughout the volume, leading Runet scholars draw attention to features and trends that are characteristic of global new media, as well as those that are more specific to Russian media culture.

More information

Related event
31 March, 2014 at 12:15: Guest lecture by Michael S. Gorham (U of Florida):
Scumbags, Boors, and the Battle for Civil(ized) Discourse on the Russian-language Internet
Aud. D, Sydneshaugen skole, University of Bergen.

More information

All welcome!

Ingunn Lunde

Ingunn Lunde
Professor of Russian
Department of Foreign Languages
University of Bergen
Professor II, University of Tromsø

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