High school student wants to study Russian

Ksenia Kologrieva ksenia.kologrieva at GMAIL.COM
Fri Mar 28 00:28:44 UTC 2014

Dear Walt,

Our school has a very successful experience of teaching high school
students online. I'm very conservative myself but I have to admit that
online classes are no less effective than face-to-face classes, at least
fort foreign languages.

Here is a relevant page on our website -

We can connect you to a couple of families for their testimonials.

*Best regards,*
*Ksenia Kologrieva*

*Russian Team*

Cloudberry Language School

Phone: 773-942-6262


Find a Common Language!

On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 5:35 PM, Walt Richmond <richmond at oxy.edu> wrote:

>  I received an email from a parent of a ninth grader who wants to study
> Russian as his foreign language here in southern California. Apparently his
> school would make some sort of accomodation for credit if he can find
> someone to teach him Russian. I'm the only Russian faculty at my college,
> so I can't do it. If there's anyone in the southern California area who has
> any ideas how I might be able to his this student, could you send me a
> message off-list?
> Thanks,
> Walt Richmond
> Occidental College, Los Angeles
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