Another Pushkin poem query

Jules Levin ameliede at EARTHLINK.NET
Sun Mar 30 18:32:00 UTC 2014

Let me take advantage of this attention on Pushkin's (? politically 
incorrect) poetry to raise again a question I directed to SEELANGS 
several years ago, without result.

Decades ago, perhaps in the 80's, a professor from some other reputable 
university gave a lecture at either UC Riverside or UCLA about a Pushkin 
poem that was from his erotica, not part of the usual anthologies.  In 
fact he distributed a copy of the poem.  Here is what I remember about 
the poem:
It was from his period in the south, it was about his love or lust 
interest in a local Jewish young lady, and it was addressed to her.  It 
ended with the following thought:  [For your favors] I would gladly give 
up that which separates a true Orthodox from a Jew [presumably the 
If anyone out there recognized this poem and can send a copy (in 
Russian!) I would be grateful.
Jules Levin
Los Angeles

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