addendum to previous note on wa-

ROOD DAVID S rood at spot.Colorado.EDU
Wed Dec 10 23:22:22 UTC 2003

Sorry -- I was too hasty in reporting on wiyunga and didn't clarify.
Iyunga is ditransitive, it means 'to ask someone something' and both
objects can be overt (he asked me my name).  Wiyunga, with one wa-,
deletes the non-animate object, so you get something like 'to
interrogate', a transitive verb.  wawiyunga then deletes that, and means
'to go around asking questions, to be nosy'.  My remarks about i'iyunga
from the previous message aren't affected by this.


David S. Rood
Dept. of Linguistics
Univ. of Colorado
295 UCB
Boulder, CO 80309-0295
rood at

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