Indian perfume set.

R. Rankin rankin at
Tue Oct 7 15:10:33 UTC 2003

> The OP works out, assuming I've been right all
along (more or less
> following in the footsteps of the CSD editors)
in asserting that *py > *pr
> > *R, the last in word initial position only, in
Dhegiha.  The
> developments *R > n and *o > u are across the
board in OP.  But in IO, as
> I undestand it, *o > u is initial only.  I had
thought it was perhaps
> something more like "in pre-stem inflectional
syllables,"  which would
> work, but if it's strictly initial, then this
wouldn't work unless the
> sequence is new in IO or has remained
essentially analyzable in parts
> since ProtoMVS.

As I mentioned, the *o > u change may affect
locative o- when other elements
are grafted on as prefixes or proclitics.  This
simply hasn't been determined yet.
Jimm may know.  The problem is that relatively few
elements can precede the
locative prefixes.

Also it would be good for us to keep in mind that
the sequence John
reconstructs as *pr has two (at least)
proto-Siouan sources.  One is *wr
(most of the instances, actually) and the other
may be *pr (but there
were precious few *p in these sequences, 'flat'
may have been one).  So
*py may behave like one or the other or
differently because it had a
different chronology.


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