Fw: Another Proto-Mississippi Valley *py Set (fwd)

Koontz John E John.Koontz at colorado.edu
Tue Oct 7 23:02:03 UTC 2003

Posted for Mark Awakuni-Swetland.

John E. Koontz

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Mark-Awakuni Swetland" <mawakuni at unlserve.unl.edu>
To: "Siouan List" <siouan at lists.Colorado.EDU>
Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2003 7:25 AM
Subject: Fw: Another Proto-Mississippi Valley *py Set

> > Mentha canadensis
> > pezhe nubthoN, "fragrant herb" (Gilmore 1977:60)
> > Omaha Man's Perfume:
> > Grandma Elizabeth Stabler and several other ladies of her generation
> > stories of elder men taking the seeds from this mint plant, masticating
> > them, spitting the crushed pulp into the hands, then rubbing their hands
> > through their hair as a perfume. It was said to be quite effective in
> > attracting women. Caveat: they never specified if it attracted young
> > women or old women...
> >
> > uthixide
> >
> > Mark Awakuni-Swetland
> > University of Nebraska
> > Anthropology/Native American Studies
> > Bessey Hall 132
> > Lincoln, NE 68588-0368
> > 402-472-3455
> > FAX 402-472-9642
> > mawakuni-swetland2 at unl.edu

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