i- in Dhegiha i-POSITIONAL=...CAUSE (RE: Word for 'prairie'?)

Rory M Larson rlarson at unlnotes.unl.edu
Mon Feb 2 21:20:45 UTC 2004

Bob wrote:
> In Kansa and Osage the initial V in these forms is never /u/ (U-umlaut),
> so the motion verb would presumably not be (h)u 'come', but one of the
> others.  BOB

Oops!  Maybe I should have waited for more commentary
before completely conceding!

As far as I know, there are just four basic verbs of
motion available:

  MVS *re, OP dhe, 'go'
      *u,     i,   'come'
      *i, (?) hi,  'get there'
      *thi,   thi, 'get here'

(I may have this list gurbled up a bit.  The MVS for
the second and third now seem doubtful.)  So what other
options do we have, if not the 'come' form?


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