Winnebago Song (Re: SSILA Bulletin #205) (fwd)

Koontz John E John.Koontz at
Mon Feb 9 05:49:00 UTC 2004

On Sun, 8 Feb 2004, Koontz John E wrote:
>     hiz^aN wiiagit?e=ga        z^eeske=s^uNnuN=   naN
>     one    speaks of us having thus    habitually DECL

One more thought.  You could render z^eeskge=s^uNnuN=naN as 'that's the
way it goes', I think.  It's an interesting effect, the way this repeated
expression is inserted into the conjunct, conjunct, conjunct, main,
conjunct structure of the song, after each conjunct.  I'm not clear if
this expression provides the main clause for the conjuncts, or if the
conjuncts depend on the fourth line.  Maybe it's ambiguous.

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