OP: coming and going
Cumberland, Linda
lcumberl at indiana.edu
Tue May 23 18:31:15 UTC 2006
Quoting Koontz John E <John.Koontz at colorado.edu>:
> Has anyone gone into the semantics of Siouan motion verbs in detail?
I have, for Assiniboine, at least. Y'all saw a preliminary analysis at
Spearfish, and I've devoted a full chapter to a much more detailed
analysis in my Assiniboine grammar. My analysis involves a deictic
center and two separate bases (A and B), plus something I've dubbed the
"apogee" (the point at which one switches from non-return to return
verbs). It all boils down into a neat little diagram - the picture that
takes 1000 words (or more!) to explain.
I understood that I should be working this up for the comparative
Siouan grammar workshop next month. I've been slotting data from the
other Siouan languages into my diagram -- and, assuming I'm
interpreting the data correctly, finding that the structure works with
reasonable consistency across the entire language family. It would be
difficult to put the whole thing across in an email message, so I was
planning to give a detailed explanation at the workshop.
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