OP: coming and going

Koontz John E John.Koontz at colorado.edu
Tue May 23 20:29:20 UTC 2006

On Tue, 23 May 2006, Cumberland,  Linda wrote:
> I understood that I should be working this up for the comparative Siouan
> grammar workshop next month. I've been slotting data from the other
> Siouan languages into my diagram -- and, assuming I'm interpreting the
> data correctly, finding that the structure works with reasonable
> consistency across the entire language family. It would be difficult to
> put the whole thing across in an email message, so I was planning to
> give a detailed explanation at the workshop.

I look forward to hearing it!  (Remind me at the conference.)  I'm sorry I
forgot your previous paper.  I do remember it now that you remind me.  At
some point, some years ago now, I stopped remembering some of everything
that happened near me and started remembering only some of what I was
focussed on at the time.  This keeps coming back to haunt me.  At some
point I went from being willing to be younger again if I could know then
what I know now to being willing to be older if I could just know now what
I knew then.

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