Brian: note data correction
Cumberland, Linda A
lcumberl at
Mon May 24 19:25:22 UTC 2010
Yes, or course it should. thanks for catching that, Mary -- I was
dashing it off and had an uh-oh moment right after I sent 'send'. Brian
take note.
Quoting Mary C Marino <mary.marino at>:
> Linda -
> Shouldn't your example read: HaNpa zhecha, taku nuha he? for "What
> kind of shoes do *you* have?" ?
> Mary
> Cumberland, Linda A wrote:
>> Brian,
>> Assiniboine would use zhecha for the kind of sentence you describe:
>> haNpa zhecha lit. 'shoe(s), that kind'
>> wowapi zhecha 'book(s), that kind'
>> xuxnaxyapi zhecha 'coffee(s) that kind'
>> e.g., HaNpa zhecha, taku mnuha he? 'wWat kind of shoes do you have?'
>> Answer would be, e.g., 'quilled and beaded'; 'soft-soled and "wooden" soled'
>> I'm not sure how one would say the other type of sentence, the one
>> that is answered with specific brand names -- it might be the same
>> as your "subkind" reference.
>> Linda
>> Quoting Bryan James Gordon <linguista at>:
>>> One more thing (and this one does not need audio):
>>> Does anyone have any examples, in whatever language, of what is called
>>> "subkind" reference?
>>> This means using a noun to refer to particular different sorts of things
>>> that that noun refers to. In English such nouns are always plural. Here's
>>> some English examples:
>>> A: What shoes do you have? B: High-top, low-top, loafers...
>>> A: What magazines do you have? B: Leisure, sports, news...
>>> A: What coffees do you have? B: French roast, decaf, light roast...
>>> Here are some things that are NOT subkinds:
>>> A: What coffees do you have? B: Small cups, large cups, medium cups...
>>> A: What magazines do you have? B: Esquire, NASCAR, Newsweek...
>>> A: What shoes do you have? B: These here, this pair, and the discount rack.
>>> --
>>> ***********************************************************
>>> Bryan James Gordon, MA
>>> Joint PhD Program in Linguistics and Anthropology
>>> University of Arizona
>>> ***********************************************************
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