Saponi Name Origin and Meaning
Scott Collins
saponi360 at YAHOO.COM
Sat Jun 22 06:44:32 UTC 2013
Any thoughts on this line of reasonings and questions for the Saponi name origins and meanings?
There is also discussion on the Tutelo word sa:p which Oliverio has on pg.271 meaning flat, level or shallow. sa:p oni: flat/shallow/level/ tree.
It was pionted out to me though it is the wrong word order. Properly put together it would be oni: sa:p for shallow tree. So guess that wasn't it.
Does Saponi mean "Red Earth People"? Acu:ti = Red
Amą: = Earth
Yesą = People (alternate for people is Relative – Hadaq, Nedewahe.per Meuse pg. 73; hatak = cousin per Oliverio pg. 191)
“But the horses were directed to a ford about a mile higher, called by the Indians Moni-seep, which signifies, in their jargon, shallow-water.”--- William Byrd (1728)
Sa:p = Shallow (Oliverio pg.329)
Mani: = Water
Mani: sa:p (water shallow) {Moni-seep of William Byrd}
If it is the other way round Sa:p mani: then it’s a possible; but I tried that with oni: sa:p (tree shallow) but forgot the order and made it sa:p oni: . Is the answer somewhere among the various spellings of Saponi such as:
Paanese (for Sa-paahese).-Albany treaty (1789) in Hale, N. W. States, 1849, p. 70. Saps.-Lawson (1714), History of Carolina, 1860, p. 89.
Sapan.-Lederer, Discoveries, 1672, map.
Sapon.-Ibid., p. 2.
Saponas.-Lawson, op. cit., p. 83.
Sapones.-Drake, Book of the Indians, 1848, p. xii.
Sapongs.-Batts (1671) in N. Y. Doc. Col. Hist., vol, iii, p. 194 (misprint, g for y).
Saponeys.-Johnson (1763), ibid., vol. vii, p. 582.
Saponees.-Knight (1712) in N. C. Records, vol. i, p. 866.
Saponi.-Byrd (1728), Hint. Dividing Line, vol. i, p. 75.
Saponie.-Document of 1711 in N. C. Records, vol. i, p. 808.
Saponys.-Document of 1728 in Colonial Virginia State Papers, 1875, vol. i, p. 215.
Sapoones.-Croghan (1765) in Monthly American Journal of Geology, 1831, p. 271.
Sapoonies.-Hutchins (1768) in Jefferson, Notes on Virginia, 1787, p. 169.
Sappona.-Pollock (1712) in N. C. Records, vol. i, p. 884.
Sapponces:-Albany Conference (1717) in N. Y. Documentary Colonial History, vol. v, p. 490 (misprint, c for e).
Sapponees.-N. C. Council (1727) in N. C. Records, vol. ii, p. 674.
Sapponeys.-Document of 1709 in Colonial Virginia State Papers, 1875, vol. i, p. 131.
Sapponie.-N. C. Council (1726) in N. C. Records, vol. ii, p. 643.
Sapponnee.-Albany Conference (1717) in N. Y. Doc. Col. Hist., vol. v., p. 490.
Sappony.-N. C. Council (1727) in N. C. Records, vol. ii, p. 674.
I've also seen Sapinney.
Paanese (for Sa-paahese), what would the aahese be?
Although Swanton states that Paanese is not connected to the word Pawnee, Pani and Panis is a direct corruption of Pawnee as shown in Robert W. Venable’s explanation concerning the Indian slave trade and the accompanying trade jargon. ---“American Indian History: Five Centuries of Conflict and Coexistence”, Vol. I Conquest of a Continent, 1492 – 1783, by Robert W. Venables Pg.206
" which it is stated that the "Paanese" (Sa-poonese)..."---Hale also found in Hall, James (?). Early History of the Northwestern States, p. 70. Buffalo and Auburn, 1849.
Would that be Sa:p oni:-se? If the word order is wrong is it possible that there is something being missed in certain instances regarding compound nouns that is different under certain situations in Saponi than for other Siouan languages? Or is it more probable that by the time Hale went to record these things that the informants had already taken on Iroquois language rules? I don't know what the language rules are for Iroquois/Cayuga/Seneca.
Sapan (pronounced [ˈsaːpːʌn]),[13] cornmeal mush, a staple of Lenape cuisine; "sapàn". Lenape Talking Dictionary. Retrieved June 26, 2011
Interestingly the word in Algonquin for boiled Indian meal is Supawn or Sa-pon and translates into “softened by water”. See, “Handbook of American Indians North of Mexico”, by Frederick Webb Hodge Pg.652.
Scott P. Collins
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