Writing Diagonal Movement

Don & Theresa G DonTheresaGrushkin at EMAIL.MSN.COM
Wed Jan 20 17:23:25 UTC 1999

>I have interpreted for advanced math courses and the sign I use for "angle"
>is a diagonal b - hand, palm orientation up, from dominant side to non
>dominant side.

When I was in High School, my math teachers used a sign I like better --
Hold the non-dominant hand in an "L" handshape, palm out, at a slight
"angle"  while the dominant hand traces the inside of the "angle" starting
from the fingertip to the thumb.

>how are "HELL" and "DAMN" signed? I think I know hell but not damn...

HELL -  Dominant hand in a "H" handshape, held fingers outward, hold at
roughly shoulder level of the non-dominant side, bring hand downward towards
the dominant side, ending roughly at waist level.

DAMN - same as HELL, except with a "D" handshape held finger pointing
upwards -- at the end of the motion, the finger should be pointing
horizontally outwards or downwards.

--Don Grushkin

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