critical language

Mary Arliskas mearlis at NETZERO.NET
Thu Oct 14 23:49:14 UTC 1999

hello everybody,
I was just looking at the u of chicago's entrance requirements for the
doctorate program in linguistics and it said that people who study
"critical languages" as defined by the us dept of education may be eligible
for title VI fellowship monies. Does anyone know if ASL fits this category?
It probably does not but I am just curious. I have never heard of that term
for linguistics? what does it mean, pray tell?

I also have a question regarding the state of illinois interpreters for the
deaf act. Does anyone know if the act mandates that a team interpreter be
provided for advanced collges classes that are very long (like for advanced
calculus, 2 1/2 hours twice a week)? When i was at Illinois State
interpreting i had a team interpreter for long summer school classes. I
think I really need one, lately my hands are quite sore ( the class is 2
1/2 hours long, we get a 10 minute break and the teacher does let us out
early very often, but it is taking a toll on me). I have been interpreting
there  "SOLO" for a year now, I just want to do the professional thing for
the next interpreter (for all interpreters, actually) and make my boss
accountable if the law states i get a team interpreter.

So, any helpful comments will be greatly appreciated!

Thank you in advance, Mary
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