cued speech (explanation)

Adam Schembri, Deaf Studies Adam.Schembri at BRISTOL.AC.UK
Tue Mar 27 15:02:48 UTC 2001

Note that this does not appear to be true of the use of the
Mouth-Hand System (a system similar to Cued Speech but dating from
the late 19th century) which is used within Danish Sign Language
rather like fingerspelling is used in BSL and ASL. See
Engberg-Pedersen, E. (1993) 'Space in Danish Sign Language'
Hambug: Signum Press.

> The attitude of the deaf community has been dismissive to openly
> hostile
> in the past, but this is changing in some areas. Many "cuekids" are
> becoming fluent signing adults, demonstrating that CS does not
> interfere
> with ASL fluency. Some bi-bi programs are using CS to present English
> while maintaining ASL as a primary language of instruction.

Adam Schembri
Centre for Deaf Studies
University of Bristol
8 Woodland Rd
Bristol BS8 1TN
United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 (0)117 954 6909
Textphone: +44 (0)117 954 6920
Fax: +44 (0)117 954 6921
Email: Adam.Schembri at

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