cued speech (explanation)

Carol Padden cpadden at UCSD.EDU
Tue Mar 27 16:48:33 UTC 2001

I think that's true, though my Danish friends tell me that younger
signers are using more fingerspelling, and that a mix of both the MHS and
fingerspelling is used in Danish Sign Language currently.


>Note that this does not appear to be true of the use of the
>Mouth-Hand System (a system similar to Cued Speech but dating from
>the late 19th century) which is used within Danish Sign Language
>rather like fingerspelling is used in BSL and ASL. See
>Engberg-Pedersen, E. (1993) 'Space in Danish Sign Language'
>Hambug: Signum Press.
>> The attitude of the deaf community has been dismissive to openly
>> hostile
>> in the past, but this is changing in some areas. Many "cuekids" are
>> becoming fluent signing adults, demonstrating that CS does not
>> interfere
>> with ASL fluency. Some bi-bi programs are using CS to present English
>> while maintaining ASL as a primary language of instruction.
>Adam Schembri
>Centre for Deaf Studies
>University of Bristol
>8 Woodland Rd
>Bristol BS8 1TN
>United Kingdom
>Telephone: +44 (0)117 954 6909
>Textphone: +44 (0)117 954 6920
>Fax: +44 (0)117 954 6921
>Email: Adam.Schembri at

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