Linguists at schools for the deaf

Susan Fischer fischer at MAIL.RIT.EDU
Wed Jan 29 14:52:55 UTC 2003

I've just heard about a linguist who was fired from a school for the
deaf because "schools do not hire linguists. È    The colleague who told
me about this would like to find out if there are precedents for
linguists working at schools for the deaf. If anyone  has any
information on this subject, please email me and I will summarize both
for my colleague and this list.  Thanks so much in advance.
Susan Fischer

Susan D. Fischer                                Contact info:
Dept. of Research                               Phone: 585-475-6558
NTID/RIT                                                Fax:  585-475-7101
96 Lomb Memorial Drive                  email: fischer at
Rochester, NY 14623-5604                        Web:
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