Tobias Haug tobias.haug at SIGNLANG-ASSESSMENT.INFO
Thu May 13 17:50:33 UTC 2004

Dear SLLING Community,

I know that this list is in general used for discussing lingustic
issues which hasn't quite exactly to do with my inquiry, so my
apologies in advance.

My name is Tobias Haug, I'm a Ph.D. student in the field of sign
linguistics at Hamburg University, Institut for German Sign
Language.  Currently, I am preparing  the research for my

Due to the restrictions and lack of  available  funding sources  (in
Germany) for pre-doctoral work/research, I'm currently looking into
the possibility to go abroad for a year or longer in order to
continue my studies/research  as a  doctoral (exchange) student or
researcher (with the options to either remain enrolled at Hamburg
University or  even considering to transfer to a different Ph.D.

Does anybody on this list know universities (or other funding
resources that may sponsor any type of European or US scholarships
programs or other type of exchange-programs for researchers) outside
of Germany - preferrable in an English-speaking or Scandinavian
country - that have some kind of funding available either for
international students at doctoral level or for
researchers/scholars?  I would be also open to the possibility of
joining an ongoing research project (which includesthe possibility
of  pursuing a Ph.D.)?

Any ideas are welcome. Please reply directly to me and not via the
list. My email is

tobias.haug at

Many thanks in advance,



Tobias Haug

th at
tobias.haug at
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