[Slling-l] Summer School on Sign Language Fieldwork

Nyst, V.A.S. v.a.s.nyst at HUM.LEIDENUNIV.NL
Tue May 10 09:03:29 UTC 2016

International Summer School on Language Documentation and Description
Leiden University Centre for Linguistics, Leiden
11 July - 22 July 2016

The Leiden University Centre for Linguistics (LUCL) is proud to host the sixth 3L International Summer School on Language Documentation and Description this summer from Monday, 11 July to Friday, 22 July 2016. The school includes a 2-week course on sign language fieldwork. During this course we will work with a deaf signer of Chinese Sign Language, with a focus on lexical typology. We will also work with the corpus of Kata Kolok, an Indonesian village sign language. The course also includes hands-on training in tools for sign language annotation (ELAN, HamNoSys, FACS). 

This course accommodates students with and without a background in sign language linguistics.
Teachers of the course are Connie de Vos (Radboud University), Nick Palfreyman (University of Central Lancashire) and Victoria Nyst (Leiden University).

Registration is now open. The Sign Language Fieldwork course is part of the 3L summer school, which consists of two tracks, Descriptive Linguistics and Language Documentation. To register for the summer school, please go the LUCL summer school website, where you find all practical information about accommodation and costs. 
Please indicate whether you need an interpreter.

Program of Language Documentation: http://www.hum.leiden.edu/summerschool/programmes-2016/language-documentation.html
Program of Descriptive Linguistics: http://www.hum.leiden.edu/summerschool/programmes-2016/descriptive-linguistics.html
Summer school website: http://www.hum.leiden.edu/summerschool/

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